Proverbs 22: 6 (NLT)
Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.

School outreach in Northern Namibia

In June 2021 I went on an exploratory trip to Northern Namibia to evaluate the necessity of a children's home to help children in need. I spent two weeks among the Ovahimba, Ovazemba, Herero, and others in the border area to Angola.

Parents enjoyed my activities with their children and were excited about the idea that some of their children will receive professional care in my children's home and the opportunity to attend a good, English-teaching private school.

So, I am packing my things and will arrive hopefully within the next weeks in Namibia to establish my Papa Ramon's HopeKids children's home.

Here are some pictures from my recent journey visiting multiple schools:

Orue Primary School:

Young Ovahimba, Ovazemba and Herero students
waiting eagerly for my teaching program

Singing and dancing - a welcomed change to usual school business

Dress code: from traditional clothes
to school uniforms 
Even in rural areas COVID-19 masks were present
(often larger than the rest of the traditional clothes)

Sack race: little Ovazemba girl
Sack race: little Ovazemba girl

Sweets hidden in a bowl with flour:
working hard to get the treats

Flour in the face &
sweets in the belly
Flour in the face &
sweets in the belly

Lunch time
Porridge (maize flour in water)

Dinner time
Lining up for lunch time

Ohayuuwa Primary School:

Bindman's Buff
Jesus Party Time

Tug of war - always a favorite game for kids

Deutsche Version - German translation

Im Juni 2021 habe ich eine Erkundungsreise in den Norden Namibias unternommen, um die Notwendigkeit eines Kinderheims zu beurteilen, um Kindern in Not zu helfen. Ich verbrachte zwei Wochen bei den OvahimbaOvazembaHerero, und anderen Völkern im Grenzgebiet zu Angola.

Die Eltern haben meine Aktivitäten mit ihren Kindern genossen und waren begeistert von der Idee, dass einige ihrer Kinder in meinem Kinderheim professionell betreut werden und eine gute, englischsprachige Privatschule besuchen können.

Also packe ich meine Sachen und werde hoffentlich in den nächsten Wochen in Namibia ankommen, um mein Papa Ramon's HopeKids Kinderheim aufzubauen.

Weiter oben sind einige Bilder von dieser Reise, wo mehrere Schulen besucht wurden.

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